Firewood Sheds
Field-tested and time-tested, these firewood sheds allow the wood to breathe and be max ready to burn. Each shed will also add ease of operation and elegance to your home site. Many sizes to choose from-–many ways to find the perfect fit.

“Keep a little fire burning—however small, however hidden”
- Cormac McCarthy
Browse our shed styles:
Oscawana Style Sheds
Our shed most in demand
Multiple heights and widths
Elegant storage -Eye on art
Vermont Husky Sheds
Strong lines
Excellent storage
Pleasingly simple
Rugged endurance
Refined design
Huge storage capacity
Walk-in middle access
Adds value
Modular Sheds
Handy storage
Open style
Against a wall
On a deck
Back to back free-standing
Staging area for larger sheds