Let us build before yours eyes. Our crew will build on site, helping to perfectly position your shed into its setting. All of our sheds are built at the owner’s home–efficient and solid construction.

The domestic man, who loves no music so well as the kitchen clock and the airs which the logs sing to him as they burn on the hearth, has solaces which others never dream of”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Firewood Sheds
· Designed for quick-drying your firewood
· Aiming for maximum BTU output when burned (hot-hot/ no thermal waste)
· Emphasizing the beauty of stacked firewood in your yard
Multi-use & Garden Sheds
· Simple yet elegant lines
· A real bump to your real-estate value
· The joy of function for years and years
Trash-bin & Combo Sheds
· An elegant wooden structure vs plastic bins—what choice!
· Bins can be opened w/o removing from sheds
· Critter deterrents/ Weather deterrents
Custom Sheds
· Picture your perfect shed
· Built on site—for the hard-to-reach places
· Cooperative designing

Community love from Glenns Shed Owners
If a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing well. That mindset is why we’ve been able to satisfy so many customers.
I love the shed… It’s adorable, perfect, beautiful, top-notch, well designed, charming, even better than the photos. I am so pleased with my size choice and the craftsmanship; my neighbors are duly impressed and perhaps a bit envious. Thank you for a fabulous product.
Andrea, Fishkill NY
Oscawana Low-roof 24'

A little Low-roof shed--nestled in
Action abounds around this 12' Vermont Husky shed

A Low-roof ready to fill

Low-roof Oscawana from the back
Strategically placed Low-roof sheds

3'x6' Garden shed w/ charred siding
Long & low & looking lovely

10' Vermont Husky w/ divider--stained black

A Multi-use shed w/ a Garden shed

Luna Moth painting by Amara
Multi-use shed w/ Dutch door
Inside the playhouse
And the workers getting an early start
The finished playhouse & High-roof firewood shed

6'x8' Multi-use shed

16' High-roof shed w/ extra divider--stained black

Multi-use shed under construction

24' High-roof shed w/ added door--for tool area
Wait--this must be after hours--Asher in the air
Delicious photo by Dinesh Boaz